Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cool Take on an Old Story

Sherlock Holmes (somewhere between Loved It & Liked It)--I really liked this movie, and some parts of it I loved, so that's why the less than firm rating. I thought Robert Downey Jr. was great as Sherlock Holmes and I really like Jude Law's take on Watson. The rest of the cast was also good. This movie has quite a bit of action violence and some serious fight scenes which Sherlock analyzes for the "benefit" of the audience, but very little bad language and NO sex!. You see a flash of Rachel McAdams back and this is quite a bit of innuendo, but nothing too bad. And, there were no sex scenes and surprisingly the man was the one with no clothes on (necessary area covered by a pillow) and you can see that scene in the trailer. It was a fun movie and I loved how Holmes used his brains to figure everything out. This is not a surprise because after all, this is Sherlock Holmes, but Guy Ritchie does a good job in breathing new life into an old standby. This is something that also occurred in the film Star Trek with that cast & director. I liked this new take on an old story. The macabre is there, and I especially enjoyed the relationship of Watson and Holmes. Law and Downey Jr. do that bit VERY well. So, if you're looking for a good time, go see this movie. I would see it again, because I'm sure I missed things the first time around. Can't wait for the DVD.

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